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John Memorial Trust

John Memorial Trust - Vellore

John Memorial Trust

Full Description

Welcome to John Memorial Trust

We are group of individuals who have a common goal “To help individuals suffering from problems related to Kidney, Heart and Liver etc.

About Us

We are group of individuals who have a common goal “To help individuals suffering from problems related to Kidney, Heart and Liver etc.” There is a need for this help

Individuals that suffer from Kidney, Liver and Heart related diseases do not necessarily have to belong to higher income groups.
There are many who belong to middle and lower income groups who nevertheless suffer from the above – mentioned conditions.
Treatment for such diseases is available only in Tertiary Care Hospitals and Specialized Institutions that are situated in big cities; they are always expensive.
Medicines for such diseases are also very expensive and cannot be afforded by poor and middle income groups of people.
Hospital admission for persons with similar diseases has to be in quality hospitals and such admission is accompanied by huge expenditure.
Procedures like transplantation surgery for correction of the above – mentioned conditions can be had only after bulk payments.
Life after correction surgery/transplantation also is very expansive – there is need for medicines, need for regular check-up and tests and therefore also the need for money.

Objectives of the Trust

To institute a Fund to extend peoples suffering from Kidney, Heart, Liver and other similar diseases that requires treatment from Tertiary Care institutions.

To organize a Home for the benefit of the old age man and the deserted woman, Blind, Deaf and Dumb, Orphans, Handicapped and Leprosy patients and the like who have no income of their own and in need of Food, Clothing and Shelter.

To institute a fund to help Children from socioeconomic group of population and to help to continue their studies without worrying for the expenses relating to books, notebooks, uniforms, school/college fees etc.

To establish and run educational institutions from pre school level to professional courses that would include computer training and industrial training from school level.

To establish and run hostels and boarding houses for the boys and girls separately selected from the poor sections of society.

To institute a scheme of scholarship to help poor and eligible students to continue their higher studies.

To provide carrier guidance and help to students belonging to economically back ward sections of the society.
To conduct eye camps and health camps to people in remote areas who find difficulty in assessing qualified health care institutions.
To organize adult and non formal educations, vocational training programs to poor old people.
To organize awareness programs for the prevention of diseases like AIDS, Hepatitis B, Heart diseases, Liver diseases, Diabetes, Renal Failure etc.
To create awareness among all sections of population regarding prevention and promotion of Environment and the Eco system.
To co-operate with other Trust, Institutions and Organizations in implementing the objectives of the Trust.

Contact Us

“John Memorial Trust”

S.L.Suriya Sam
Founder & Managing Trustee,
No. 40, 1st & 2nd Floor,
Max Complex (Opp.KMHS School),
Arni Road, Sainathapuram,
Vellore – 632001, Tamil Nadu State, India.

Phone: +91 416-2265947, +91 416-2264641
Mobile: +91 9443745947, +91 9894735947, +91 9791515947, +91 9487778947
Email: johnmemorialtrust2006@gmail.com ,suriyasamsl@yahoo.co.in

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