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Prebuilt cloud VPS hosting solutions

Prebuilt cloud VPS hosting solutions

Full Description

We are ready to offer you a superb alternative to costly dedicated hosting, cloud-based VPS services that provide virtually the same level of performance and functionality, while costing only a fraction of its price. Here you will find an extensive range of multifunctional and still reasonably priced cloud-based VPS hosting plans backed by maximum uptime guarantee and superior 24/7 customer support and technical assistance.

Our cloud hosting solutions come with Windows and Linux support and are powered by the breakthrough cloud infrastructure technology that includes highly-effective virtualization and paravirtualization methods. It ensures not only smart, on-demand resource and power allocation, but also absolute isolation for every single VPS user, ultimate flexibility and control over your entire online business environment, including root level access to make necessary server modifications and install any required third-party software and applications.


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