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SoftSys Hosting premium services

SoftSys Hosting premium services

Full Description

If your websites don’t require much space and bandwidth volume as well as donТt have other specific requirements, shared web hosting can be an ideal choice for you. This simply means that your website will share server resources allotted with other accounts on the same server in a cost-effective manner. In such a way, if you run a website using ASP, ASP.NET, Silverlight or any other Microsoft technologies, Windows web hosting solutions can be your primary concern. SoftsysHosting.com is here to provide you with a wide selection of full-featured Windows hosting packages coming with in-house around-the-clock technical support and 99.9% uptime guarantee.

We are able to deliver reliable and scalable shared web hosting services for various projects and guarantee ultimate performance and accessibility that wonТt cost you a fortune. SoftSys Hosting uses an advanced clustering technology to ensure virtually unlimited server resources allocation on the fly for your website without being affected by other hosting accounts located on the same physical server. All of our Windows web hosting solutions come with abundant disk space and bandwidth limits, MS SQL 2012 and MySQL 5 database support, Plesk 10 control panel, ASP and ASP.NET (2.0, 3.5, 4.0) support, etc. for your 24/7 accessibility.


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