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Windows cloud VPS services

Windows cloud VPS services

Full Description

One of the main advantages of our cloud hosting environment is its full redundancy. While coming with turnkey automatic failover and self-healing features, it manages to keep your virtual server up and running 24/7. But let us explain you in short how it actually works. Unlike standard standalone server units, every cloud VPS is operated from numerous redundant HyperVisors for immediate failover. In such a way, if one HyperVisor server faces a failure, processes will automatically move to another active HyperVisor on the fly.

You will hardly find any other web hosting model to offer you greater scalability than our Windows cloud vps hosting plans do. Frankly speaking, most of our clients highly appreciate this wonderful opportunity of being released from any usage spike hassles. Any of cloud VPS services by Softsys Hosting are instantly scalable, so that you can easily upgrade your virtual server for higher RAM, CPU, larger storage space and addition of other essential resources at any given moment, with no need to migrate your server.


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